Constructive Collaboration - a new call to action from The Chartered Association of Building Engineers
As a membership association spanning the construction sector, CABE faced many challenges – a fragmented industry with more disciplines and institutions than ever before, relatively new official building engineering qualifications and an ageing membership, many of who considered CABE membership secondary to other, larger and more established organisations.
CABE’s ambitious leadership team recognised the need for change and saw brand as the catalyst required for reinvention to both improve relevance and reverse the fortunes of a declining membership.
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Recent high profile incidents and reviews have left the construction industry facing uncertainty and intense public scrutiny for competence in all areas.
More than ever the industry is looking for a unified voice, someone who can speak up on behalf of the whole industry and bring together individual disciplines to deliver better outcomes for everyone.
We developed a brand platform with key messages to help highlight CABE’s unique position as the essential collaborator in the professional construction sector.
This central idea – constructive collaboration – provided the seed for a bold new look and feel representing members connecting, building on each other’s skills and experiences to drive progress and define a better built environment.
It’s a radical transformation that has truly modernised an outdated organisation into a confident, modern association able to clearly communicate the benefits of membership, and reinforce its seat at the industry table.
“rbl’s strategic process enabled them to concisely articulate CABE’s unique role as a unifying voice for the construction sector. We now have a compelling way to explain both what we do, how we work and most importantly why we exist.”
Jackie Macaulay
Chief Operating Officer, CABE