University of Warwick

Helping this leading university find their WOW

Ranked the 9th in the UK and 62nd in the world, Warwick is a leading university, with a reputation for excellence in research, teaching, innovation and forward-thinking links with business. We work across the full spectrum of the university’s activities to create dynamic brands, distinctive campaigns and communications that reach out to new audiences and encouraging deeper engagement.


Brexit, increased fees, raised expectations – the higher education sector is undergoing revolution after revolution. Rather than encourage diversity, this revolution and the accompanying risks it brings has led to an influx of ‘me too’ brands following well-trod paths with well-used messages.

Using our bespoke campaign process to gather insight and test our thinking we’ve helped the University tap into the energy of brands from different sectors, learn from their success and translate them into the university environment.


The University’s brand is built around a strong central essence ‘what if?’, positioning the University as a place of infinite possibilities, where your only boundaries are the limits of your energy, imagination and potential.

But how do you make ‘choice’ into an inspirational proposition and ‘freedom’ into a tangible offer. Our solution has been to demonstrate the importance of individuality and how the University’s unique community supports its expression.

As such users of the new sports hub are motivated by ‘Whatever moves you’; prospective students are encouraged to ‘Find your WOW’; and Conference Centre customers are invited to ‘imagine, experience, achieve’.


Use of photography that highlights campus characters, simple confident graphic language and identity systems designed to contain content, have all contributed to achieving click through rates of twice the industry average.

It’s no wonder the University’s own marketing department use our campaigns as best practice examples.

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“Our Director of Marketing thinks it’s the best campaign we’ve done in her time at Warwick!”

Keith Gabriel
Creative Communications Manager,
University of Warwick

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